Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Writers' Group

Tomorrow is the planning meeting of a writers' group. I had wanted to join one for a long time - you know, a face-to-face one with real people instead of a virtual online group. So finally, I decided to start one! I've had a lot of help. One talented member set up a message board for us, and another one got email addresses together and sent out queries (oops, maybe "query" is a bad word?) to prospective members. The three of us have brainstormed some preliminary ideas, and tomorrow we'll get input from the full group. So far, we expect a total of seven people, including ourselves.

Question of the day: Why the heck did I do this just weeks before my alleged move* to North Carolina?
* As both of my regular readers know, this is the fifth "deal" we've had on selling our rent house. We are NOT packing another thing until the fat lady sings!