Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm with Intellectually Bankrupt

Retired UK general criticizes U.S. Iraq policy
(copyright AP)

[Now there are two retired British generals weighing in. For full article, click the title.]

Some excerpts:

the current problems were predicted in 2003

Maj. Gen. Tim Cross, the most senior British officer involved in the postwar planning, said he had raised serious concerns about the possibility of Iraq falling into chaos but said former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dismissed the warnings.

"Right from the very beginning we were all very concerned about the lack of detail that had gone into the postwar plan and there is no doubt that Rumsfeld was at the heart of that process," Cross said in the Sunday Mirror newspaper.

Retired Gen. Sir Mike Jackson also singled out Rumsfeld for criticism, saying his approach to the invasion was "intellectually bankrupt"