I know, I know - last Saturday I said I would only post once a week, and then I put up two more posts. This is what happens when you try to go cold turkey, people. I'll try to stick with the plan this week.
Chapterhouse was given the coveted Excellence Award by Let's Talk God! How cool is that?Thanks very much, Larry!
Speaking of awards:
The Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco
came up with an ingenious way to memorialize Dubya's presidency. They are collecting signatures to place this on their November ballot:
"Should the City and County of San Francisco rename the
Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility
The George W. Bush Sewage Plant?"
Click on the word "honorable" in the sentence, "... eight years of honorable service ..." when you go to their site. It takes you to The 14 Points of Fascism, which is rather terrifying, in case you haven't seen it before.
Why didn't I think of this back when I was battling the Book of the Month Club because they kept billing me for books I never ordered, even though I had backup emails showing I had declined their selection(s) IN a timely manner? I could have mailed them bricks every time they sent me a bill! Hey, maybe it's not too late.
Last week I had a gift for Randal. This week, let's see ...
How about this for 1138:

I'll miss Clarke, too. Now I really wish I hadn't put so many books in storage.
(Keep scrolling down, 1138 - there's another gift for you.)
And this one's for Snave's noted Feces in the News feature:

You're welcome.
Finally, this one is for both 1138 and Mandlebrot's Chaos, should they choose to use it:

Can't we all just get along?
As far as writing goes:
This week, I've done more research, rearranged the sequence of several events in my post-war Japan novel, written one new scene and made notes for two more, plus created a storyboard:


This Week's Word to the Wise:
Never forget the immortal words of renowned commenter Richard:
Have a great week, everyone!